
いいねをした人: 居ません
10件の投稿を表示中 - 1 - 10件目 (全10件中)
  • 投稿者
  • #141610

    【お使いの Snow Monkey のバージョン】最新
    【お使いの Snow Monkey Blocks のバージョン】最新
    【お使いの Snow Monkey Editor のバージョン】最新
    【お使いの PHP のバージョン】8.1.29

    ### 発生している問題





    Warning: Attempt to read property "walker" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/vendor/inc2734/wp-basis/src/App/Walker/Drawer.php on line 50
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 93
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 94
    Warning: Attempt to read property "before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 273
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 277
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/social-nav.php on line 14
    Warning: Attempt to read property "walker" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/vendor/inc2734/wp-basis/src/App/Walker/Drawer.php on line 50
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 93
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 94
    Warning: Attempt to read property "before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 273
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 277
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/social-nav.php on line 14
    Warning: Attempt to read property "walker" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/vendor/inc2734/wp-basis/src/App/Walker/Drawer.php on line 50
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 93
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 94
    Warning: Attempt to read property "before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 273
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 277
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/social-nav.php on line 14
    Warning: Attempt to read property "walker" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/vendor/inc2734/wp-basis/src/App/Walker/Drawer.php on line 50
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 93
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 94
    Warning: Attempt to read property "before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 273
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 277
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/social-nav.php on line 14
    Warning: Attempt to read property "walker" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/vendor/inc2734/wp-basis/src/App/Walker/Drawer.php on line 50
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 93
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 94
    Warning: Attempt to read property "before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 273
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 277
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/social-nav.php on line 14
    Warning: Attempt to read property "walker" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/vendor/inc2734/wp-basis/src/App/Walker/Drawer.php on line 50
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 93
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 94
    Warning: Attempt to read property "before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 273
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 277
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/social-nav.php on line 14
    Warning: Attempt to read property "walker" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/vendor/inc2734/wp-basis/src/App/Walker/Drawer.php on line 50
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 93
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 94
    Warning: Attempt to read property "before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 273
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 277
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/social-nav.php on line 14

    ### 試したこと




    いいねをした人: 居ません
    アバター画像キタジマ タカシ

    何か WordPress のメニュー機能に関連する部分で、独自にコードでカスタマイズをしたり、何らかのプラグインでカスタマイズしてたりということはありませんか?


    nav_menu_item_title とか walker_nav_menu_start_el とか、メニュー関連のフィルターフックは $args というオブジェクト型の引数が渡されるのですが、なぜかそこが配列になっているっぽいので、カスタマイズの影響でオブジェクトが配列になっているという可能性はあるのかなと…。



    	function ( $title, $item, $args, $depth ) {
    		$show_description = 0 === (int) $depth && 'global-nav' === $args->theme_location;

    	function ( $title, $item, $args, $depth ) {
    		var_dump( $args );
    		$show_description = 0 === (int) $depth && 'global-nav' === $args->theme_location;


    いいねをした人: 居ません




    またsnow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php のご指摘の部分を変更しましたところ、ログイン下においてのみ、グローバルメニューやフッターメニューの部分に以下のようなコードが出てきました。



    いいねをした人: 居ません


    object(stdClass)#5944 (18) { ["menu"]=> object(WP_Term)#5937 (11) { ["term_id"]=> int(23) ["name"]=> string(27) "グローバルメニュー" ["slug"]=> string(81) "%e3%82%b0%e3%83%ad%e3%83%bc%e3%83%90%e3%83%ab%e3%83%a1%e3%83%8b%e3%83%a5%e3%83%bc" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(23) ["taxonomy"]=> string(8) "nav_menu" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(4) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" ["term_order"]=> string(1) "0" } ["container"]=> bool(false) ["container_class"]=> string(0) "" ["container_id"]=> string(0) "" ["container_aria_label"]=> string(0) "" ["menu_class"]=> string(8) "c-navbar" ["menu_id"]=> string(0) "" ["echo"]=> bool(true) ["fallback_cb"]=> string(12) "wp_page_menu" ["before"]=> string(0) "" ["after"]=> string(0) "" ["link_before"]=> string(0) "" ["link_after"]=> string(0) "" ["items_wrap"]=> string(36) "%3$s
    " ["item_spacing"]=> string(8) "preserve" ["depth"]=> int(0) ["walker"]=> object(Inc2734\WP_Basis\App\Walker\Navbar)#5960 (5) { ["tree_type"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "post_type" [1]=> string(8) "taxonomy" [2]=> string(6) "custom" } ["db_fields"]=> array(2) { ["parent"]=> string(16) "menu_item_parent" ["id"]=> string(5) "db_id" } ["max_pages"]=> int(1) ["has_children"]=> bool(false) ["args"]=> array(1) { ["popup-mode"]=> string(5) "hover" } } ["theme_location"]=> string(10) "global-nav" } object(stdClass)#5944 (18) { ["menu"]=> object(WP_Term)#5937 (11) { ["term_id"]=> int(23) ["name"]=> string(27) "グローバルメニュー" ["slug"]=> string(81) "%e3%82%b0%e3%83%ad%e3%83%bc%e3%83%90%e3%83%ab%e3%83%a1%e3%83%8b%e3%83%a5%e3%83%bc" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(23) ["taxonomy"]=> string(8) "nav_menu" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(4) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" ["term_order"]=> string(1) "0" } ["container"]=> bool(false) ["container_class"]=> string(0) "" ["container_id"]=> string(0) "" ["container_aria_label"]=> string(0) "" ["menu_class"]=> string(8) "c-navbar" ["menu_id"]=> string(0) "" ["echo"]=> bool(true) ["fallback_cb"]=> string(12) "wp_page_menu" ["before"]=> string(0) "" ["after"]=> string(0) "" ["link_before"]=> string(0) "" ["link_after"]=> string(0) "" ["items_wrap"]=> string(36) "%3$s
    " ["item_spacing"]=> string(8) "preserve" ["depth"]=> int(0) ["walker"]=> object(Inc2734\WP_Basis\App\Walker\Navbar)#5960 (5) { ["tree_type"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "post_type" [1]=> string(8) "taxonomy" [2]=> string(6) "custom" } ["db_fields"]=> array(2) { ["parent"]=> string(16) "menu_item_parent" ["id"]=> string(5) "db_id" } ["max_pages"]=> int(1) ["has_children"]=> bool(false) ["args"]=> array(1) { ["popup-mode"]=> string(5) "hover" } } ["theme_location"]=> string(10) "global-nav" } object(stdClass)#5944 (18) { ["menu"]=> object(WP_Term)#5937 (11) { ["term_id"]=> int(23) ["name"]=> string(27) "グローバルメニュー" ["slug"]=> string(81) "%e3%82%b0%e3%83%ad%e3%83%bc%e3%83%90%e3%83%ab%e3%83%a1%e3%83%8b%e3%83%a5%e3%83%bc" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(23) ["taxonomy"]=> string(8) "nav_menu" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(4) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" ["term_order"]=> string(1) "0" } ["container"]=> bool(false) ["container_class"]=> string(0) "" ["container_id"]=> string(0) "" ["container_aria_label"]=> string(0) "" ["menu_class"]=> string(8) "c-navbar" ["menu_id"]=> string(0) "" ["echo"]=> bool(true) ["fallback_cb"]=> string(12) "wp_page_menu" ["before"]=> string(0) "" ["after"]=> string(0) "" ["link_before"]=> string(0) "" ["link_after"]=> string(0) "" ["items_wrap"]=> string(36) "%3$s
    " ["item_spacing"]=> string(8) "preserve" ["depth"]=> int(0) ["walker"]=> object(Inc2734\WP_Basis\App\Walker\Navbar)#5960 (5) { ["tree_type"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "post_type" [1]=> string(8) "taxonomy" [2]=> string(6) "custom" } ["db_fields"]=> array(2) { ["parent"]=> string(16) "menu_item_parent" ["id"]=> string(5) "db_id" } ["max_pages"]=> int(1) ["has_children"]=> bool(false) ["args"]=> array(1) { ["popup-mode"]=> string(5) "hover" } } ["theme_location"]=> string(10) "global-nav" } object(stdClass)#5944 (18) { ["menu"]=> object(WP_Term)#5937 (11) { ["term_id"]=> int(23) ["name"]=> string(27) "グローバルメニュー" ["slug"]=> string(81) "%e3%82%b0%e3%83%ad%e3%83%bc%e3%83%90%e3%83%ab%e3%83%a1%e3%83%8b%e3%83%a5%e3%83%bc" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(23) ["taxonomy"]=> string(8) "nav_menu" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(4) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" ["term_order"]=> string(1) "0" } ["container"]=> bool(false) ["container_class"]=> string(0) "" ["container_id"]=> string(0) "" ["container_aria_label"]=> string(0) "" ["menu_class"]=> string(8) "c-navbar" ["menu_id"]=> string(0) "" ["echo"]=> bool(true) ["fallback_cb"]=> string(12) "wp_page_menu" ["before"]=> string(0) "" ["after"]=> string(0) "" ["link_before"]=> string(0) "" ["link_after"]=> string(0) "" ["items_wrap"]=> string(36) "%3$s
    " ["item_spacing"]=> string(8) "preserve" ["depth"]=> int(0) ["walker"]=> object(Inc2734\WP_Basis\App\Walker\Navbar)#5960 (5) { ["tree_type"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "post_type" [1]=> string(8) "taxonomy" [2]=> string(6) "custom" } ["db_fields"]=> array(2) { ["parent"]=> string(16) "menu_item_parent" ["id"]=> string(5) "db_id" } ["max_pages"]=> int(1) ["has_children"]=> bool(false) ["args"]=> array(1) { ["popup-mode"]=> string(5) "hover" } } ["theme_location"]=> string(10) "global-nav" }


    object(stdClass)#5941 (18) { ["menu"]=> object(WP_Term)#5992 (11) { ["term_id"]=> int(25) ["name"]=> string(12) "フッター" ["slug"]=> string(36) "%e3%83%95%e3%83%83%e3%82%bf%e3%83%bc" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(25) ["taxonomy"]=> string(8) "nav_menu" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(1) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" ["term_order"]=> string(1) "0" } ["container"]=> string(3) "div" ["container_class"]=> string(11) "c-container" ["container_id"]=> string(0) "" ["container_aria_label"]=> string(0) "" ["menu_class"]=> string(8) "c-navbar" ["menu_id"]=> string(0) "" ["echo"]=> bool(true) ["fallback_cb"]=> string(12) "wp_page_menu" ["before"]=> string(0) "" ["after"]=> string(0) "" ["link_before"]=> string(0) "" ["link_after"]=> string(0) "" ["items_wrap"]=> string(36) "%3$s
    " ["item_spacing"]=> string(8) "preserve" ["depth"]=> int(1) ["walker"]=> object(Inc2734\WP_Basis\App\Walker\Navbar)#6035 (5) { ["tree_type"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "post_type" [1]=> string(8) "taxonomy" [2]=> string(6) "custom" } ["db_fields"]=> array(2) { ["parent"]=> string(16) "menu_item_parent" ["id"]=> string(5) "db_id" } ["max_pages"]=> int(1) ["has_children"]=> bool(false) ["args"]=> array(1) { ["popup-mode"]=> string(5) "hover" } } ["theme_location"]=> string(14) "footer-sub-nav" }
    いいねをした人: 居ません



    Warning: Attempt to read property "walker" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/vendor/inc2734/wp-basis/src/App/Walker/Drawer.php on line 50
    array(29) { ["depth"]=> int(0) ["show_date"]=> string(0) "" ["date_format"]=> string(12) "Y年n月j日" ["child_of"]=> int(0) ["exclude"]=> string(0) "" ["title_li"]=> string(0) "" ["echo"]=> bool(false) ["authors"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_column"]=> string(22) "menu_order, post_title" ["link_before"]=> string(0) "" ["link_after"]=> string(0) "" ["item_spacing"]=> string(8) "preserve" ["walker"]=> object(Inc2734\WP_Basis\App\Walker\Drawer)#7735 (4) { ["tree_type"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "post_type" [1]=> string(8) "taxonomy" [2]=> string(6) "custom" } ["db_fields"]=> array(2) { ["parent"]=> string(16) "menu_item_parent" ["id"]=> string(5) "db_id" } ["max_pages"]=> int(1) ["has_children"]=> bool(false) } ["menu_id"]=> string(0) "" ["menu_class"]=> string(14) "c-drawer__menu" ["container"]=> bool(false) ["before"]=> string(0) "" ["after"]=> string(0) "" ["menu"]=> bool(false) ["container_class"]=> string(0) "" ["container_id"]=> string(0) "" ["container_aria_label"]=> string(0) "" ["fallback_cb"]=> string(12) "wp_page_menu" ["items_wrap"]=> string(36) "%3$s
    " ["theme_location"]=> string(10) "drawer-nav" ["can_partial_refresh"]=> bool(false) ["customize_preview_nav_menus_args"]=> array(20) { ["after"]=> string(0) "" ["before"]=> string(0) "" ["can_partial_refresh"]=> bool(false) ["container"]=> bool(false) ["container_aria_label"]=> string(0) "" ["container_class"]=> string(0) "" ["container_id"]=> string(0) "" ["depth"]=> int(0) ["echo"]=> bool(true) ["fallback_cb"]=> string(0) "" ["item_spacing"]=> string(8) "preserve" ["items_wrap"]=> string(36) "%3$s
    " ["link_after"]=> string(0) "" ["link_before"]=> string(0) "" ["menu"]=> string(0) "" ["menu_class"]=> string(14) "c-drawer__menu" ["menu_id"]=> string(0) "" ["theme_location"]=> string(10) "drawer-nav" ["walker"]=> string(0) "" ["args_hmac"]=> string(32) "54c8ab4f77ba3e81f32f771847977bf2" } ["hierarchical"]=> int(0) ["has_children"]=> bool(false) }
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 94
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 95
    Warning: Attempt to read property "before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 273
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 277
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/social-nav.php on line 14
    Warning: Attempt to read property "walker" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/vendor/inc2734/wp-basis/src/App/Walker/Drawer.php on line 50
    array(29) { ["depth"]=> int(0) ["show_date"]=> string(0) "" ["date_format"]=> string(12) "Y年n月j日" ["child_of"]=> int(0) ["exclude"]=> string(0) "" ["title_li"]=> string(0) "" ["echo"]=> bool(false) ["authors"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_column"]=> string(22) "menu_order, post_title" ["link_before"]=> string(0) "" ["link_after"]=> string(0) "" ["item_spacing"]=> string(8) "preserve" ["walker"]=> object(Inc2734\WP_Basis\App\Walker\Drawer)#7735 (4) { ["tree_type"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "post_type" [1]=> string(8) "taxonomy" [2]=> string(6) "custom" } ["db_fields"]=> array(2) { ["parent"]=> string(16) "menu_item_parent" ["id"]=> string(5) "db_id" } ["max_pages"]=> int(1) ["has_children"]=> bool(false) } ["menu_id"]=> string(0) "" ["menu_class"]=> string(14) "c-drawer__menu" ["container"]=> bool(false) ["before"]=> string(0) "" ["after"]=> string(0) "" ["menu"]=> bool(false) ["container_class"]=> string(0) "" ["container_id"]=> string(0) "" ["container_aria_label"]=> string(0) "" ["fallback_cb"]=> string(12) "wp_page_menu" ["items_wrap"]=> string(36) "%3$s
    " ["theme_location"]=> string(10) "drawer-nav" ["can_partial_refresh"]=> bool(false) ["customize_preview_nav_menus_args"]=> array(20) { ["after"]=> string(0) "" ["before"]=> string(0) "" ["can_partial_refresh"]=> bool(false) ["container"]=> bool(false) ["container_aria_label"]=> string(0) "" ["container_class"]=> string(0) "" ["container_id"]=> string(0) "" ["depth"]=> int(0) ["echo"]=> bool(true) ["fallback_cb"]=> string(0) "" ["item_spacing"]=> string(8) "preserve" ["items_wrap"]=> string(36) "%3$s
    " ["link_after"]=> string(0) "" ["link_before"]=> string(0) "" ["menu"]=> string(0) "" ["menu_class"]=> string(14) "c-drawer__menu" ["menu_id"]=> string(0) "" ["theme_location"]=> string(10) "drawer-nav" ["walker"]=> string(0) "" ["args_hmac"]=> string(32) "54c8ab4f77ba3e81f32f771847977bf2" } ["hierarchical"]=> int(0) ["has_children"]=> bool(false) }
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 94
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 95
    Warning: Attempt to read property "before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 273
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 277
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/social-nav.php on line 14
    Warning: Attempt to read property "walker" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/vendor/inc2734/wp-basis/src/App/Walker/Drawer.php on line 50
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    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 94
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 95
    Warning: Attempt to read property "before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 273
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 277
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/social-nav.php on line 14
    Warning: Attempt to read property "walker" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/vendor/inc2734/wp-basis/src/App/Walker/Drawer.php on line 50
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    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 94
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 95
    Warning: Attempt to read property "before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 273
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 277
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/social-nav.php on line 14
    Warning: Attempt to read property "walker" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/vendor/inc2734/wp-basis/src/App/Walker/Drawer.php on line 50
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    " ["link_after"]=> string(0) "" ["link_before"]=> string(0) "" ["menu"]=> string(0) "" ["menu_class"]=> string(14) "c-drawer__menu" ["menu_id"]=> string(0) "" ["theme_location"]=> string(10) "drawer-nav" ["walker"]=> string(0) "" ["args_hmac"]=> string(32) "54c8ab4f77ba3e81f32f771847977bf2" } ["hierarchical"]=> int(0) ["has_children"]=> bool(false) }
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 94
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 95
    Warning: Attempt to read property "before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 273
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 277
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/social-nav.php on line 14
    Warning: Attempt to read property "walker" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/vendor/inc2734/wp-basis/src/App/Walker/Drawer.php on line 50
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    " ["link_after"]=> string(0) "" ["link_before"]=> string(0) "" ["menu"]=> string(0) "" ["menu_class"]=> string(14) "c-drawer__menu" ["menu_id"]=> string(0) "" ["theme_location"]=> string(10) "drawer-nav" ["walker"]=> string(0) "" ["args_hmac"]=> string(32) "54c8ab4f77ba3e81f32f771847977bf2" } ["hierarchical"]=> int(0) ["has_children"]=> bool(false) }
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 94
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 95
    Warning: Attempt to read property "before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 273
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 277
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/social-nav.php on line 14
    Warning: Attempt to read property "walker" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/vendor/inc2734/wp-basis/src/App/Walker/Drawer.php on line 50
    array(29) { ["depth"]=> int(0) ["show_date"]=> string(0) "" ["date_format"]=> string(12) "Y年n月j日" ["child_of"]=> int(0) ["exclude"]=> string(0) "" ["title_li"]=> string(0) "" ["echo"]=> bool(false) ["authors"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_column"]=> string(22) "menu_order, post_title" ["link_before"]=> string(0) "" ["link_after"]=> string(0) "" ["item_spacing"]=> string(8) "preserve" ["walker"]=> object(Inc2734\WP_Basis\App\Walker\Drawer)#7735 (4) { ["tree_type"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(9) "post_type" [1]=> string(8) "taxonomy" [2]=> string(6) "custom" } ["db_fields"]=> array(2) { ["parent"]=> string(16) "menu_item_parent" ["id"]=> string(5) "db_id" } ["max_pages"]=> int(1) ["has_children"]=> bool(false) } ["menu_id"]=> string(0) "" ["menu_class"]=> string(14) "c-drawer__menu" ["container"]=> bool(false) ["before"]=> string(0) "" ["after"]=> string(0) "" ["menu"]=> bool(false) ["container_class"]=> string(0) "" ["container_id"]=> string(0) "" ["container_aria_label"]=> string(0) "" ["fallback_cb"]=> string(12) "wp_page_menu" ["items_wrap"]=> string(36) "%3$s
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    " ["link_after"]=> string(0) "" ["link_before"]=> string(0) "" ["menu"]=> string(0) "" ["menu_class"]=> string(14) "c-drawer__menu" ["menu_id"]=> string(0) "" ["theme_location"]=> string(10) "drawer-nav" ["walker"]=> string(0) "" ["args_hmac"]=> string(32) "54c8ab4f77ba3e81f32f771847977bf2" } ["hierarchical"]=> int(0) ["has_children"]=> bool(false) }
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 94
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/nav-menus.php on line 95
    Warning: Attempt to read property "before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 273
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_before" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "link_after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 275
    Warning: Attempt to read property "after" on array in /xxxxx/wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 277
    Warning: Attempt to read property "theme_location" on array in /xxxxx/wp-content/themes/snow-monkey/app/setup/social-nav.php on line 14


    いいねをした人: 居ません
    アバター画像キタジマ タカシ

    値を確認したかっただけなので、もう var_dump(〜) は消していただいて大丈夫です! ありがとうございます。


    ちょっと Snow Monkey 側で調整してみます。リリースしたらまた書き込みますのでしばしお待ちを!




    いいねをした人: 居ません
    アバター画像キタジマ タカシ

    Snow Monkey v27.0.4 にアップデートして確認してみてください!

    いいねをした人: 居ません



    いいねをした人: 居ません
    アバター画像キタジマ タカシ


10件の投稿を表示中 - 1 - 10件目 (全10件中)
  • トピック「スマホのグローバルメニューにエラーコードが出てしまう。」には新しい返信をつけることはできません。


Snow Monkey の設定方法やマニュアルを掲載しています。



Snow Monkey の使い方やカスタマイズについてのご質問・ご要望等はサポートフォーラムで行っています。サポートフォーラムは誰でも閲覧できますが、書き込みできるのは Snow Monkey 購入者のみとなります。



Snow Monkey のサービスについて不明な点がある場合は、まずはよくあるご質問をご確認ください。





Snow Monkey は Gutenberg ブロックエディターに対応した 100%GPL の WordPress テーマです。拡張性を意識した開発をおこなっており、カスタマイザーとブロックでスピーディーにサイトを立ち上げるだけでなく、CSS やフックを駆使した高度なカスタマイズにも柔軟に対応できます。